Tips —- Advice —- Offers —- Tutorials

written by photo, video and podcast professional, James Donison

James Donison James Donison

Creating Content For Social Media - Hire Someone, or Do It Yourself?

Marketing your service or product(s) to the masses can be really, REALLY, expensive. Not including the creation of content, just to air a 30-second advertisement on TV in Prime Time can cost up to $38,000 AUD (Savvysme). But, by harnessing the power of social media, getting your message out there is not only much cheaper, it can target demographics that ‘traditional’ media can’t. And if you think ignoring it, or that “people my age don’t look at it” you’re wrong. Adults between 35-44 use social media over 2 hours per day, and the 45-54 Gen X’ers are just under that at an hour and a half (Review42).

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James Donison James Donison

5 Tips For Preparing a Property For Real Estate Photography

If you’re reading this article, I can only assume you’re thinking of selling, buying, or perhaps a real estate agent contracted to sell a home for a client. If you’re none of the above, I applaud your curiosity and pursuit of knowledge.

You wouldn’t think a video and photography professional would have very good advice for someone thinking of preparing their property for sale. Well, it turns out one of my regular ‘gigs’ is working for real estate agents, taking eye-catching photos and videos of properties that draw potential buyers to Open Houses, and can increase the selling price by thousands.

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James Donison James Donison

Working From Home? 5 Tips on What NOT to do.

As a preventative measure, many companies have been shutting their office doors and asking employees to work from home (WFH). Those lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you see it) few who were working from home already should be one step ahead, right? Well, not necessarily. Unfortunately, even for people with the best intentions, bad habits form, laziness can creep in, and productivity can decrease, even though studies show we tend to be more productive working from home.

For those that fear they may struggle with a lack of motivation, here are 5 key ‘motivation sapping’ mistakes that you can fall into making when working from home, and five easy ways to fix them.

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James Donison James Donison

Metaskills- An Entrepreneur's Super Power

I was recently include in an article, and podcast episode, entitled Changemaking: Got Skills? by Canadian Psychologist Dr. Cameron Norman. He discusses the importance of not only having a good skillset, but something called metaskills.

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